Isaiah 62. 1 – 5 John 2. 1 – 11 Fr Alex Something that’s a feature of life in the vicarage over
Isaiah 50. 1 – 6 Matthew 2. 1 – 12 The Epiphany Fr Alex I had occasion to kill a few minutes
Hebrews 1. 1 – 12 John 1. 1 – 14 Christmas Eve Fr Alex “And the Word became flesh and lived among
Jeremiah 33. 14 – 16 Luke 21. 25 – 36 Fr Alex Advent, as you no doubt know, is the beginning of
Revelation 1. 4b – 8 John 18. 33 – 37 The Feast of Christ the King Fr Alex Today we celebrate the
James 3.13-4.3, 7-8a, Mark 9.30-37 Catherine Gibson As Jesus and his disciples start to travel through Galilee, at the beginning of their