
Formed in late 2005, the Lunch Club quickly became a popular event in the St Margaret’s calendar.

Meeting in the Parish Hall on the 3rd Thursday in the month (except August) it continues to provide time for a relaxed and informal couple of hours among friends, old and new. It’s a great opportunity to invite those who are new to the area and St Margaret’s.

A team of loyal volunteers prepare and serve a delicious two course lunch (which varies from month to month) followed by tea or coffee. There is a modest charge of £7.00 per head. You can also purchase a glass of wine or soft drink to go with your meal, if you wish.

Available space and catering facilities mean we can only accommodate up to 60 and tickets for lunches need to be obtained in advance. Details are included in the weekly pew sheet.

We are always delighted to see new faces and you can be assured of a warm welcome, interesting conversation and a good meal.