Church Reunion Evensong; Young Adults; Visit to Wakefield Cathedral; Lunch Club; Cake Sale
Prayers and readings for Trinity 14; organ recital; lunch club; choir reunion evensong; visit to Wakefield Cathedral;
Prayers and readings for Trinity 13; plainchant mass; organ recital, choir reunion evensong; visits and home communion
Readings and prayers for Trinity 11; Blessed Virgin Mary; Organ Recital; Choir Reunion Evensong
Prayers and readings for the Ninth Sunday after Trinity; organ recital, Plainchant Mass, churchyard tidy; Mothers' Union coffee morning
Prayers and readings for Trinity VIII; summer service schedule, exhibition in the hall, plainchant mass; organ recital; churchyard tidy
Prayers and readings for Trinity 7; lunch club; organ recital
Prayers and readings for Trinity 6; St Maragret's Sunday; Lunch Club
Prayers and reading for Trinity 5, St Margaret's Sunday' Gala Organ Recital, Leeds Symphony Orchestra
Prayers and readings for The Fourth Sunday after Trinity, St Margaret's Sunday, Summer Concert, Leeds Symphony Orchestra, Gala Organ Recitla