Minutes of a Meeting of the Parochial Church Council of St. Margaret’s, Ilkley, held on Sunday 24 April 2022 in the Parish Hall
Fr Alex in the Chair. Meeting immediately followed the Annual Parish Church Meeting. It began with prayer.
1. Present: R Beeson, C Gibson, Fr A Crawford, B Harrison, G Hartley, H Pilling, J Smith, M Still, A Stretton, P Tooke, T Warnes, B Whittaker, S Williams, T Williams. Apologies: C Beaumont, C Cheater, C Ramage, R Smeaton, A Wilson
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes were adopted unanimously.
3. Matters Arising
The PCC were informed that Val Smith had tendered her resignation from the role of Deanery Synod rep and would therefore no longer sit on the PCC. Helen P led a vote of thanks and praise to Val who had served faithfully on the PCC and as both Deanery and Diocesan rep since 2010.
4. Appointment of Treasurer, Secretary and Headsidesman
Philip Tooke was unanimously elected as the new Treasurer following the retirement of John McGhee. Bethany Harrison was willing to continue in the role of Secretary and was unanimously elected. Judith Smith was unanimously elected as the new Headsidesman following the retirement of Janet Kish.
5. Confirmation of PCC Committees
i) Chair of Finance Committee – Philip Tooke, as the newly elected Treasurer, was happy to take on this role. He was unanimously elected.
ii) Chair of Church Fabric and Hall Committee – Donald MacRae was currently the Chair of this committee and was happy to continue in this role. Whilst he is not a member of the PCC it was deemed satisfactory that he ensure the Church Fabric & Hall Committee meeting minutes were always available to the PCC and that PCC members who also sit on the Church Fabric & Hall Committee (Fr Alex, Ben and Catherine G) be available to answer any questions or queries arising. It was noted that Donald wished to focus more on the fabric side of things and there was therefore an opening for someone to take on managing the hall which would include welcoming hirers and managing events. It was felt that the PCC needed to look to the wider congregation to fill this role and so something would be put in a future pew sheet.
6. Fit and Proper Persons Declaration Forms
This had already been completed by Alison Stretton prior to the meeting as a requirement of being re-elected as Churchwarden.
7. AOB
i) First Aid Course – This had been rescheduled to Thursday 12th May at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. If anyone still required a place they should contact Vickie in the Parish Office.
ii) Key Messages from PCC Meetings – Ben asked if there was the potential to put the key messages/highlights from PCC meetings in the pew sheet so as to make the details accessible to all. It was felt that many people did not access the minutes and so some simple bullets
directly in the newssheet could be helpful. Bethany stated that she did not have the capacity to do this at the moment, but Helen P kindly volunteered.
iii) PCC Away Day – Fr Alex hoped that the PCC would be able to get away together at some point over the next few months for fellowship and to think about St Margaret’s vision for the future. Further details would be given in due course.
There being no other business, the meeting closed with the Grace at 12.30pm