Members of our choir worked hard recording a varied repertoire, at a rate of one every 2 to 3 weeks, during lockdown. The mastermind behind all this was Dr Geoffrey Cloke, whose unstinting work mixing our individual efforts made all this possible.
Geoff has now compiled a CD of the whole series. Many of the pieces are old favourites like Panis Angelicus, O Thou the central orb and The strife is o'er. Some are new additions to the repertoire, including a couple of pieces which were recorded within a few days of their composition, including my carol Nowel, nowel! and an Easter antiphon, Faith, hope and charity. Two of Geoff's pieces are also included. The final effort was a rousing hymn, There's a wideness in God's mercy to a tune written by Maurice Bevan, born 100 years ago this year. Many of these were added to the newsletters but we thought people might like to have a more permanent record of the project and we wanted to collect some much needed money to support St Margaret's ailing finances, so a contribution of at least £10 will be requested if you would like a copy. Do ask in church on Sundays, or email me at rathbone.cb@gmail.com